Parth Mittal
I am a PhD student at UWaterloo, in the A&C Group of the CS department, where I am advised by Sepehr Assadi. I started my PhD at Rutgers, and moved here in 2024.
Before that I was a Master's student at Charles University in Prague (advised by Michal Koucký), and an undergrad at IIIT Delhi.
- Polynomial Pass Semi-Streaming Lower Bounds for K-Cores and
(to appear) CCC 2024 [arXiv]
Sepehr Assadi, Prantar Ghosh, Bruno Loff, Parth Mittal, Sagnik Mukhopadhyay - (Δ + 1) Vertex Coloring in O(n) communication.
(to appear) PODC 2024 [arXiv]
Maxime Flin, Parth Mittal -
Brooks’ Theorem in Graph Streams: A Single-Pass Semi-Streaming
Algorithm for ∆-Coloring.
STOC 2022, (contributed talk at) HALG 2022, TheoretiCS 2023 [arXiv] [Short Talk]
Sepehr Assadi, Pankaj Kumar, Parth Mittal